Monday, August 11, 2014

Having a sex life after kids

At what point did you realize that your parent(s) had sex? I know it's something we don't want to think about, even as a grown up it's a disturbing image, but we aren't naive anymore and we know it happens.

Do kids ruin sex lives? Parents try so hard to conceal the fact that they are intimate, should they?

I don't think they need to be parading around groping each other, but we have learned from this class that sex is good for you in so many ways. Having kids is stressful enough and giving up your sexual needs can't help that situation out.

I remember the first time I heard my parents have sex. I was a sophomore in high school and they thought I was asleep. Back then I used to listen to my disc man as I fell asleep, and over my music I heard a few loud thumps. It was enough to make me take my heads phones off and try to figure out what it was. Well it wasn't long after I took the headphones off that I heard the moans and the groans and the bangs of the headboard. I was horrified, and I put my headphones on again and blasted my music so I could cancel out every sound possible.

When I woke up I was very upset that they would do such a thing with me in the house, I thought about how I would confront them. After thinking for a few hours I realized that it wasn't that bad, that they needed that to keep their chemistry with each other and their sanity. I did confront them but in a nice way, I told them I heard them last night and my dad thought it was funny while my mom was more embarrassed. I told them I understand they need that but if they could refrain from doing it when I am home. They agreed and I think kept their part of the deal.

Thinking back on it now I am not sure how good that deal was on their part, hopefully I was gone enough....

So how do you feel about having sex with kids in the house?
How do you feel about telling your kids you have sex?

Here are some links about it.

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