Monday, August 11, 2014

The Future of Sex

What does the future hold for our sex lives? Someday, sex technology may be so advanced that people will look back on 2014 and say, "How in the hell did they ever have orgasms back then, sex was so boring!" Here is the shortlist of what we may see in the not to distance future.

It's a common theme in television and movies: man creates robot, robot becomes sex object. Soon, life may be imitating art. Earlier this year at a robot expo in Germany, robots were featured pole dancing on stage. (Here's a video). While they may not look like much now, robots have already been designed that can mimic human facial expression and have skin that feels much like our own. The stripperbots at the robot expo shows that the machines can now smoothly mimic human dancing. Some hail the coming of the sexbots, citing that they cannot spread STIs (their parts can be sanitized or replaced) and they cannot be sold into slavery. Researchers in Amsterdam predict that sexbots will be ruling the Red Light District by 2050.

Virtual Sex
If there are not any sexbots near you, maybe virtual reality can fulfill your needs. Tenga, a manufacturer of sex toys, unveiled last year a device that fits around a penis and is connected to virtual reality goggles. The device corresponds to the actions of characters in the simulator, giving the recipient a very real experience. Here's a video demonstration:

Anti-Gravity Sex
If robots and virtual reality aren't doing it for you, try space! The next sex tourist hot spot may just be 62 miles above the Earth's surface, where humans orbiting the planet in space hotels would not be bound by the Earth's gravity. Biologist Athena Andreadis says that sex in space would be difficult, because you have no traction or resistance, but don't think that is going to stop anybody. People are willing to try anything to enhance their sex life (see previous entries). With many private space companies on the verge of sending curious humans outside the atmosphere, there's no doubt they'll be some couples looking to make it into the 100 mile club.

Virtual Sex:
Anti-Gravity Sex:

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